Monday, August 5, 2013

Winding down one day, starting another

Getting ready to chow after a busy day. Then we'll take turns reading aloud by the fire. We've been doing that a lot lately :))

Welcome day! Couldn't resist this shot of Bridget halfway up to Inspiration Point. She is overlooking Jenny Lake. We are in the Tetons.
A view from the other direction. Mark listening in on a Ranger talk :)
She made it!

Hidden Falls...the noise of the falls is almost as beautiful as looking at it!
I'm in! This is String Lake- shallow, so much warmer than the other lakes. Jenny lake is over 250' deep.
A beautiful view along today's bike route. You can see the snow on top of the mountains. They are 13,000 ft. We were only at 7200 on Inspiration point. July is the warmest month of the year in the Tetons. Daytime highs in the 70's and nighttime averages 48-52. No wonder the lakes are chilly!...besides the elevation and the glacial run off.
Bridget insisted Mark and I become Jr rangers in the Tetons-and we did!! She of course did as well :))
Happy Birthday Janey Broderson!! 10- what a milestone :)) we've been thinking of you!
Happy Birthday Uncle Vinny!! 80- WOW!

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