Monday, August 19, 2013

The Badlands

Our last National Park! I can hardly believe it. The Badlands was a perfect last park because you feel like you can see to forever from its vistas. The prairie just goes on and on until sky meets horizon. 
From a distance it looks like the land formations would erode to the touch, but they're rock solid.
Mark and Bridget part way up the long cliff climb.
Jen, four rungs from the top. I'm great, as long as I don't look down! Of course we still had to climb back down.....
It's fun to explore the crevices, chasms and little canyons. 
Bridget psyched that she made it to the end! Was there any doubt?? We were very fortunate to have an overcast day- probably marred the views a bit, but kept the sun from beating down on us!
The view at trails end. The badlands is a special never know what's around the next corner; color, landforms, wildlife, its a place of beauty and mystery. It can be inhospitable and unforgiving as late 19th century homesteaders found out, yet has supported native humans for more than 11,000 years. You can almost feel their spirits still roaming the prairie.
Tomorrow we're going to follow that prairie to the Laura Ingalls Wilder's homestead!

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