Thursday, August 1, 2013

Flagg Ranch

We arrived in beautiful Wyoming today after a 2-1/2 hr drive from Idaho Falls.
Bridget looking so grown up in her biker chick outfit. I caught her in a dance move so she's looking a little stiff:) She had a minor spill today so now it's leather gloves!! Of course she wears closed toed shoes and a helmet when she rides as well :))
A view from our campsite at Flagg ranch. It is situated right between Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons off Grassy Rd which used to be the south entrance to Yellowstone before the current highway was constructed. The road is currently closed to "thru traffic" because of the sequester, but it makes a wonderful place to bike.
Our campsite- beautiful night for a fire. Drops into the 40's here!

A herd of bison we encountered on our way into the park.

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