Today was a crazy weather day. We woke up to clouds and imminent rain but that didn't deter us from heading back up the mountain! We entered the park at Thornton Gap and headed to Big Meadow, a "bald" whose existence is largely unexplained. The most likely reason for its existence is that is was a gathering place for native Americans and being so, they kept it cleared. The weather cooperated long enough for us to explore the meadow with the park ranger but was not nice enough that we wanted to take the iPad out in the drizzle! We did get many pictures with our other camera however :D
Next we had a hike on the Limber lost trail- a place where once stood groves of Hemlocks 500-700 years old. Unfortunately, a blight took them out in the early 90's and now just remnants of the mighty trunks in a state of decay remain.
Later in the afternoon when the weather cleared we went to the pool. After the rains, Bridget was the only one who braved it (we all went in yesterday), then we had a light dinner, packed up to leave for the Great Smokies, and went for ice-cream!!!
Yummy. Ice cream